You could do it yourself and save money, but the results won’t be the same.
Rental steam carpet cleaners fall short in effectively eliminating all the dirt and bacteria present in carpets because, quite simply, they are not powerful enough to, not only remove all the dirt, grime and odors, but also harmful allergens and disease-causing agents.
They also don’t have the power to extract all the water which in turn can create a breeding ground for potentially harmful mold to thrive.
Making things worse, inexpensive steam cleaners have the potential to scratch and tear the surface of the carpet and cause irreparable damage.
And finally, most professional carpet cleaners here in Northport and around the U.S. have spent many hours in training on how to clean carpets, remove the most stubborn of stains, and how to improve the longevity of your carpet investment.
In no way can cheap rental equipment do the same job as professional steam clean equipment that comes with a price tag of $30,000 or more. Neither do amateurs have the skills of professional carpet cleaners who have invested in professional training and certifications to provide you the best carpet cleaning service available.